03 Apr, 2024

Top 3 Best Freelance Websites

In Summary, Upwork, Fiverr and LinkedIn are the best freelancing platform or website for job hunters looking for a professional and high paying job that fits their skills and expertise.

27 Mar, 2024

Why "CANVA" is essential for most businesses?

Canva is an online easy to use design tool that offers users the opportunity to create professional-looking posters, slideshows, images, event flyers, resumes, cards, certificates, infographics, and other media.

25 Mar, 2024

Ways To Manipulate Objects In JavaScript

Let us look at fundamental way to manipulate objects in JavaScript. There are various ways to manipulate objects, whether it's creating, accessing, modifying, or deleting properties. Here's a rundown of some common techniques

24 Mar, 2024

Best ReactJs Component Libraries 2024

Explore this exceptional component library, meticulously crafted for projects of all scales, from small to large. Leveraging a component library eliminates the need for manual theme creation, thereby boosting productivity significantly. Dive in and elevate your development process with ease and efficiency.

19 Mar, 2024

What to do if your tired and stressed doing a lot of programming?

Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Your well-being directly impacts your productivity and creativity.

19 Mar, 2024

JavaScript Libraries That You Should Know

The article discusses useful JavaScript libraries for developers. The author recommends libraries that are established and widely applicable, saving time on development tasks. These libraries are not necessarily new or niche, but rather practical solutions for various coding needs.

06 Mar, 2024

Top Paying Programming Technologies 2024

Delve into the realm of high-paying programming technologies as we explore the top earners in the field. Consider whether acquiring expertise in these technologies aligns with your goals for advancing your development skills.

20 Feb, 2024

Look Who is Back: jQuery 4.0.0 is Coming to Town

jQuery 4.0.0 has been eagerly anticipated, and it’s now ready for a beta release! Let’s dive into what you can expect from this new version!

20 Feb, 2024

This Operating System is Windows 11 but it's actually Linux

Wubuntu, short for "Windows Ubuntu," is an operating system that mimics the look and features of Microsoft Windows, including the new Copilot assistant.

19 Feb, 2024

Unveiling the Best Budget Laptops for Software Development: A Developer's Guide

Are you a software developer seeking a reliable yet budget-friendly laptop to enhance your development journey? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll explore a carefully curated list of budget laptops that cater to the specific needs of developers.

17 Feb, 2024

Ways to Earn Money Online 2024?

There are many ways to earn money online, and the best option for you will depend on your skills, interests, and available time. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

15 Feb, 2024

How to create Readme.md file?

As developers, we know a compelling README is more than just documentation. In this post, we will look at how we can create a readme file on our project.

09 Feb, 2024

Fast API: Create Middleware

Let us look at how we can create a middleware for our FastApi project without installing other packages. Middleware are very important for complex logic and really important for security.

If you're a Developer You have to Start Using AI
03 Jan, 2024

If you're a Developer You have to Start Using AI

AI has the potential to revolutionize software development by automating tedious and repetitive task, such as code reviews, testing, debugging, which can minimize the time developers spend on these tasks while simultaneously allowing them to focus on more meaningful and innovative work. So as a developer, start using AI now.

📑 Free Online Courses
14 Dec, 2023

📑 Free Online Courses

Free courses with certificates provide a valuable opportunity for individuals to acquire new skills and enhance their professional credentials without incurring financial costs. These courses, often offered by reputable platforms like SkillUp by Simplilearn, not only contribute to personal development but also offer tangible proof of one's accomplishments in the form of certificates. This recognition can be instrumental in boosting one's resume, showcasing dedication to continuous learning, and increasing competitiveness in the job market. The accessibility of free courses ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds can access quality education, breaking down barriers to skill acquisition and fostering a more inclusive learning environment.

How To Move WSL Distribution to a Different Drive
07 Dec, 2023

How To Move WSL Distribution to a Different Drive

Moving your WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) distribution to another drive offers several benefits, including freeing up space on your system drive, improving overall performance by utilizing a faster drive like an SSD, organizing multiple WSL installations for different purposes, facilitating easier backup and restore processes, enhancing portability by allowing the entire drive to be moved to another computer, and potentially improving system security by isolating WSL files on a separate drive. However, it comes with some downsides, such as increased complexity, potential performance issues if moved to a slower drive, and potential difficulties in troubleshooting problems post-migration. The decision to move your WSL distribution depends on your specific needs, preferences, and considerations regarding performance, organization, and security.